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There are many sources of information available and it can be hard to determine which ones offer the best advice.  We have scoured many sites, checked credentials, and queried our advisory board to develop a list of sources we feel offer accurate, research-based information on topics related to SpLD and AD/HD. 

ADDIS (National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service)  Provides limited information for parents and professionals in the fields of AD/HD and related learning and behavioral difficulties.   Information is less comprehensive than CHADD but offers some useful links to services in the U.K.   Our recommended site for scientifically reliable information about AD/HD in children, adolescents, and adults. The site has downloadable fact sheets of science-based information for parents, educators, professionals, the media, and the general public.

ADDitude  provides a wide range of articles, stories, tips and strategies for both children and adults with ADHD.  Features recommendations for math programs, on-line tools, and apps for those children, teens and adults who find it hard to make sense of numbers and math concepts. 

Kidsinthehouse  is an educational website about parenting, featuring 8,000 interviews with a wide variety of “experts" in parenting. There is a section on special needs covering a wide variety of topics with good coverage on Dyslexia and AD/HD.   To note FOCUS does not endorse all the resources on this website; some information related to SpLD and AD/HD is conjecture and not research-backed.   We recommend videos by qualified medical and health professionals.

LD Online   provides accurate and up-to-date information and advice about SpLD and AD/HD for children, adolescents and adults.  The site features articles, multimedia and monthly columns by noted experts and has sections about teaching children with SpLD and transitions from school to college.

LDA (Learning Differences Association of America)

This site focuses on advocacy for all individuals with learning differences but has good sections for parents, educators and professionals providing descriptive overviews of SpLD, AD/HD and its related conditions such as memory and anxiety. 

Reading Rockets  is a multimedia site offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read and why so many struggle.  The site features research guides and resources for teachers and tips for parents to support reading.  Great site which aggregates content from 15 nonprofit organizations that support parents of children with learning and attention issues.  Has good overviews of signs and symptoms, types of issues and sections dealing with social/emotional issues. 

Local Information

These sites provide some useful information and references to resources available in Hong Kong

Department of Health: Child assessment Service

Offers diagnostic evaluations for learning differences at subsided costs (but there is typically a very long waitlist.)


Hong Kong Dyslexia Association (DAHK) :  Seeks to raise awareness of dyslexia and provide assistance and support to all interested in dyslexia.   The group has regular meetings, sponsors speakers and offers references to local resources.


Pathways Foundationprovides intensive professional interventions to help strengthen literacy, numeracy and organizational abilities as well as social skills specific to children with SPLD.   Offers afterschool programs and in-school support primary for native Chinese speaking children. 

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